Camp Hearts' N Hooves uses horses to help kids cope with the loss of a loved one, like their mom or dad. This is another story that pro...
HSUS Preps for Animal Rescues from Hurricane Sandy
October 29, 2012 Hurricane Sandy Threatens People, Pets The HSUS preps for rescues, urges animal owners to be ready for "Frankenstorm...
ASPCA How to Prepare Your Pets for Hurricane Sandy
Here's is important information for you and your pets during Huricane Sandy. Follow and use hashtag #SandyPets on Twitter for animal-re...
Declan Filmed for ASPCA Video at Humane Awards
A film crew was here last month to help tell my story at the ASPCA's awards luncheon. It was an AWESOME experience and Kate Milliken, t...
Seacoast Boy Who Fought For Horses Named ASPCA's Kid if the Year
Thank you Joey Cresta for a great article! ~Declan Seacoast boy who fought for horses named ASPCA's Kid of the Year Declan Gregg of Gre...
Rare Horse Breeds Proves Crucial to Delicate Ecosystem
This story shows how removing horses from their natural habitat actually hurts ecosystems. This special breeds is being re-introduced to he...
Lipizzaner Horses
I have seen the Lipizzaner horses perform and they are incredibly beautiful and graceful. If you want to learn more about the amazing and f...